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Op Automated Performance 
Characterization of DSN 
System Frequency Stability 
Using Spacecraft Tracking 

This software provides an automated 
capability to measure and qualify the fre- 
quency stability performance of the Deep 
Space Network (DSN) ground system, 
using daily spacecraft tracking data. The 
results help to verify if die DSN perform- 
ance is meeting its specification, therefore 
ensuring commitments to flight missions; 
in particular, the radio science investiga- 
tions. The rich set of data also helps the 
DSN Operations and Maintenance team 
to identify the trends and patterns, allow- 
ing them to identify the antennas of lower 
performance and implement corrective 
action in a timely manner. 

Unlike the traditional approach 
where the performance can only be ob- 
tained from special calibration sessions 
that are both time-consuming and re- 
quire manual setup, the new method 
taps into the daily spacecraft tracking 
data. This new approach significantly in- 
creases the amount of data available for 
analysis, roughly by two orders of mag- 
nitude, making it possible to conduct 
trend analysis with good confidence. 

The software is built with automation 
in mind for end-to-end processing. From 
the inputs gathering to computation 
analysis and later data visualization of 
the results, all steps are done automati- 
cally, making the data production at 
near zero cost. This allows the limited 
engineering resource to focus on high- 
level assessment and to follow up with 
the exceptions/deviations. 

To make it possible to process the con- 
tinual stream of daily incoming data 
without much effort, and to understand 
the results quickly, the processing needs 
to be automated and the data summa- 
rized at a high level. Special attention 
needs to be given to data gathering, 
input validation, handling anomalous 
conditions, computation, and presenting 
the results in a visual form that makes it 
easy to spot items of exception/ deviation 
so that further analysis can be directed 
and corrective actions followed. 

This work was done by Timothy T. Pham, 
Richard J. Machuzak, Alina Bedrossian, 
Richard M. Kelly, and Jason C. Liao of Cal- 
tech for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

For more information, contact iaoffice 

This software is available for commercial li- 
censing. Please contact Daniel Broderick of 
the California Institute of Technology at Refer to NPO-47532. 

@ Histogrammatic Method 
for Determining Relative 
Abundance of Input Gas 

To satisfy the Major Constituents Analy- 
sis (MCA) requirements for the Vehicle 
Cabin Atmosphere Monitor (VCAM) , this 
software analyzes the relative abundance 
ratios for N 9 , CD, Ar, and CO 2 as a func- 
tion of time and constructs their best-esti- 
mate mean. A histogram is first built of all 
abundance ratios for each of the species 
vs time. The abundance peaks correspon- 
ding to the intended measurement and 
any obfuscating background are then sep- 
arated via standard peak-finding tech- 
niques in histogram space. A voting 
scheme is then used to include/exclude 
this particular time sample in the final av- 
erage based on its membership to the in- 
tended measurement or the background 
population. This results in a robust and 
reasonable estimate of the abundance of 
trace components such as CO 2 and Ar 
even in the presence of obfuscating back- 
grounds internal to the VCAM device. 

VCAM can provide a means for moni- 
toring the air within the enclosed envi- 
ronments, such as the ISS (International 
Space Station), Crew Exploration Vehi- 
cle (CEV), a Lunar Habitat, or another 
vehicle traveling to Mars. Its miniature 
pre-concentrator, gas chromatograph 
(GC), and mass spectrometer can pro- 
vide unbiased detection of a large num- 
ber of organic species as well as MCA 
analysis. VCAM’s software can identify 
the concentration of trace chemicals 
and whether the chemicals are on a tar- 
geted list of hazardous compounds. This 
innovation’s performance and reliability 
on orbit, along with the ground team’s 
assessment of its raw data and analysis re- 
sults, will validate its technology for fu- 
ture use and development. 

This work was done by Lukas Mandrake, 
Benjainin J. Bomstein, Stojan Madzunkov, 
and John A. MacAskill of Caltech for NASA’s 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

This software is available for commercial li- 
censing. Please contact Daniel Broderick of 

the California Institute of Technology at Refer to NPO-4721 7. 

Predictive Sea State Estima- 
tion for Automated Ride 
Control and Handling — 

PSSEARCH provides predictive sea 
state estimation, coupled with closed- 
loop feedback control for automated 
ride control. It enables a manned or un- 
manned watercraft to determine the 3D 
map and sea state conditions in its vicin- 
ity in real time. Adaptive path-plan- 
ning/ replanning software and a control 
surface management system will then 
use this information to choose the best 
settings and heading relative to the seas 
for the watercraft. 

PSSEARCH looks ahead and antici- 
pates potential impact of waves on the 
boat and is used in a tight control loop to 
adjust trim tabs, course, and throttle set- 
tings. The software uses sensory inputs 
including IMU (Inertial Measurement 
Unit), stereo, radar, etc. to determine 
the sea state and wave conditions (wave 
height, frequency, wave direction) in the 
vicinity of a rapidly moving boat. This in- 
formation can then be used to plot a 
“safe” path through the oncoming waves. 

The main issues in determining a safe 
path for sea surface navigation are: (1) 
deriving a 3D map of the surrounding 
environment, (2) extracting hazards 
and sea state surface state from the im- 
aging sensors/map, and (3) planning a 
path and control surface settings that 
avoid the hazards, accomplish the mis- 
sion navigation goals, and mitigate crew 
injuries from excessive heave, pitch, and 
roll accelerations while taking into ac- 
count the dynamics of the sea surface 
state. The first part is solved using a wide 
baseline stereo system, where 3D struc- 
ture is determined from two calibrated 
pairs of visual imagers. 

Once the 3D map is derived, anything 
above the sea surface is classified as a po- 
tential hazard and a surface analysis 
gives a static snapshot of the waves. Dy- 
namics of the wave features are obtained 
from a frequency analysis of motion vec- 
tors derived from the orientation of the 
waves during a sequence of inputs. Fu- 
sion of the dynamic wave patterns with 
the 3D maps and the IMU outputs is 
used for efficient safe path planning. 

NASA Tech Briefs, May 2012 


This work was done by Terrance L. Hunts- 
berger, Andrew B. Howard, Hrand Aghazar- 
ian, and Arturo L. Rankin of Caltech for 
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Further in- 
formation is contained in a TSP ( see page 1 ). 

In accordance with Public Law 96-51 7, 
the contractor has elected to retain title to this 
invention. Inquiries concerning rights for its 
commercial use should be addressed to: 
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Mail Stop 202-233 
4800 Oak Grove Drive 
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 
Refer to NPO-4 7533, volume and number 
of this NASA Tech Briefs issue, and the 
page number. 

Qjl LEGION: Lightweight Ex- 
pandable Group of Inde- 
pendently Operating Nodes 

LEGION is a lightweight C-language 
software library that enables distrib- 
uted asynchronous data processing 
with a loosely coupled set of compute 
nodes. Loosely coupled means that a 
node can offer itself in service to a 
larger task at any time and can with- 
draw itself from service at any time, 
provided it is not actively engaged in 
an assignment. The main program, i.e., 
the one attempting to solve the larger 
task, does not need to know up front 
which nodes will be available, how 
many nodes will be available, or at what 
times the nodes will be available, which 
is normally the case in a “volunteer 
computing” framework. The LEGION 
software accomplishes its goals by pro- 
viding message-based, inter-process 
communication similar to MPI (mes- 
sage passing interface), but without the 
tight coupling requirements. The soft- 
ware is lightweight and easy to install as 
it is written in standard C with no ex- 
otic library dependencies. 

LEGION has been demonstrated in a 
challenging planetary science applica- 
tion in which a machine learning system 
is used in closed-loop fashion to effi- 
ciently explore the input parameter 
space of a complex numerical simula- 
tion. The machine learning system de- 
cides which jobs to run through the sim- 
ulator; then, through LEGION calls, the 
system farms those jobs out to a collec- 
tion of compute nodes, retrieves the job 
results as they become available, and up- 
dates a predictive model of how the sim- 
ulator maps inputs to outputs. The ma- 
chine learning system decides which 
new set of jobs would be most informa- 

tive to run given the results so far; this 
basic loop is repeated until sufficient in- 
sight into the physical system modeled 
by the simulator is obtained. 

This work was done by Michael C. Burl of 
Caltech for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labora- 
tory. Further information is contained in a 
TSP (see page 1). 

This software is available for commercial li- 
censing. Please contact Daniel Broderick of 
the California Institute of Technology at Refer to NPO-47910. 

Real-Time Projection to 
Verify Plan Success 
During Execution 

The Mission Data System provides a 
framework for modeling complex sys- 
tems in terms of system behaviors and 
goals that express intent. Complex activ- 
ity plans can be represented as goal net- 
works that express the coordination of 
goals on different state variables of the 
system. Real-time projection extends the 
ability of this system to verify plan achiev- 
ability (all goals can be satisfied over the 
entire plan) into the execution domain 
so that the system is able to continuously 
re-verify a plan as it is executed, and as 
the states of the system change in re- 
sponse to goals and the environment. 

Previous versions were able to detect 
and respond to goal violations when 
they actually occur during execution. 
This new capability enables the predic- 
tion of future goal failures; specifically, 
goals that were previously found to be 
achievable but are no longer achievable 
due to unanticipated faults or environ- 
mental conditions. Early detection of 
such situations enables operators or an 
autonomous fault response capability to 
deal with the problem at a point that 
maximizes the available options. 

For example, this system has been ap- 
plied to the problem of managing bat- 
tery energy on a lunar rover as it is used 
to explore the Moon. Astronauts drive 
the rover to waypoints and conduct sci- 
ence observations according to a plan 
that is scheduled and verified to be 
achievable with the energy resources 
available. As the astronauts execute this 
plan, the system uses this new capability 
to continuously re-verify the plan as en- 
ergy is consumed to ensure that the bat- 
tery will never be depleted below safe 
levels across the entire plan. 

In particular, this enables an execu- 
tion system to predict problems such as 
resource exhaustion before they occur. 
The models are expressed and executed 
in a way that can be optimized for real- 

time use in an embedded system. 

This work was done by David A. Wagner, 
Daniel L. Dvorak, Robert D. Rasmussen, Rus- 
sell L. Knight, John R. Morris, Matthew B. 
Bennett, and Michel D. Ingham of Caltech for 
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. For more 
information, contact iaofjiceMjpl. 

This software is available for commercial li- 
censing. Please contact Daniel Broderick of the 
California Institute of Technology at Refer to NPO-47734. 

Automated Performance 
Characterization of DSN 
System Frequency Stability 
Using Spacecraft Tracking 

This software provides an automated 
capability to measure and qualify the fre- 
quency stability performance of the Deep 
Space Network (DSN) ground system, 
using daily spacecraft tracking data. The 
results help to verify if the DSN perform- 
ance is meeting its specification, therefore 
ensuring commitments to flight missions; 
in particular, the radio science investiga- 
tions. The rich set of data also helps the 
DSN Operations and Maintenance team 
to identify the trends and patterns, allow- 
ing them to identify the antennas of lower 
performance and implement corrective 
action in a timely manner. 

Unlike the traditional approach 
where the performance can only be ob- 
tained from special calibration sessions 
that are both time-consuming and re- 
quire manual setup, the new method 
taps into the daily spacecraft tracking 
data. This new approach significantly 
increases the amount of data available 
for analysis, roughly by two orders of 
magnitude, making it possible to con- 
duct trend analysis with good confi- 

The software is built with automation 
in mind for end-to-end processing. 
From the inputs gathering to computa- 
tion analysis and later data visualization 
of the results, all steps are done auto- 
matically, making the data production at 
near zero cost. This allows the limited 
engineering resource to focus on high- 
level assessment and to follow up with 
the exceptions/ deviations. 

To make it possible to process the con- 
tinual stream of daily incoming data 
without much effort, and to understand 
the results quickly, the processing needs 
to be automated and the data summa- 
rized at a high level. Special attention 
needs to be given to data gathering, 
input validation, handling anomalous 
conditions, computation, and present- 


NASA Tech Briefs, May 2012